
  1. Nibbling MAYO: Optimized Implementations for AVX2 and Cortex-M4
  2. Ward Beullens, Fabio Campos, Sofia Celi, Basil Hess, and Matthias J. Kannwischer
    TCHES 2024: paper | code AVX2, M4

  3. Optimizations and Practicality of High-Security CSIDH
  4. Fabio Campos, Jorge Chavez-Saab, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Michael Meyer, Krijn Reijnders, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez, Peter Schwabe, and Thom Wiggers
    CiC 2024 Volume 1, Issue 1: paper | code

  5. Separating Oil and Vinegar with a Single Trace: Side-Channel Assisted Kipnis-Shamir Attack on UOV
  6. Thomas Aulbach, Fabio Campos, Juliane Krämer, Simona Samardjiska, and Marc Stöttinger
    TCHES 2023: paper | code

  7. Patient Zero & Patient Six: Zero-Value and Correlation Attacks on CSIDH and SIKE
  8. Fabio Campos, Michael Meyer, Krijn Reijnders, and Marc Stöttinger
    SAC 2022: paper | slides | code

  9. On Actively Secure Fine-grained Access Structures from Isogeny Assumptions
  10. Fabio Campos, Philipp Muth
    PQCrypto 2022: paper | slides | video

  11. Safe-Error Attacks on SIKE and CSIDH
  12. Fabio Campos, Juliane Krämer, Marcel Müller
    SPACE 2021: paper | slides | code

  13. CTIDH: faster constant-time CSIDH
  14. Gustavo Banegas, Daniel J. Bernstein, Fabio Campos, Tung Chou, Tanja Lange, Michael Meyer, Benjamin Smith, Jana Sotáková
    TCHES 2021: paper | website | video

  15. Trouble at the CSIDH: Protecting CSIDH with Dummy-Operations against Fault Injection Attacks
  16. Fabio Campos, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Michael Meyer, Hiroshi Onuki, and Marc Stöttinger
    FDTC 2020: paper | code | slides | video

  17. Assembly or Optimized C for Lightweight Cryptography on RISC-V?
  18. Fabio Campos, Lars Jellema, Mauk Lemmen, Lars Müller, Amber Sprenkels, and Benoit Viguier
    CANS 2020: paper | code | slides | video

  19. LMS vs XMSS: Comparison of Stateful Hash-Based Signature Schemes on ARM Cortex-M4
  20. Fabio Campos, Tim Kohlstadt, Steffen Reith, and Marc Stöttinger
    AFRICACRYPT 2020: paper | code | slides

  21. Post-Quantum Cryptography for ECU Security Use Cases
  22. Fabio Campos, Michael Meyer, Steffen Sanwald, Marc Stöttinger, Yi Wang
    escar Europe 2019: paper

  23. On Lions and Elligators: An efficient constant-time implementation of CSIDH
  24. Michael Meyer, Fabio Campos, Steffen Reith
    PQCrypto 2019: paper | code

  25. On hybrid SIDH schemes using Edwards and Montgomery curve arithmetic
  26. Michael Meyer, Steffen Reith, Fabio Campos
    2017@Cryptology ePrint Archive: paper

selected talks

  • Zero-Value and Correlation Attacks on CSIDH and SIKE: slides
    Seminar on recent developments in post-quantum cryptography
    Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

  • On being more than friendly: optimization techniques for prime field operations on 64-bit Intel processors: slides
    DS Lunch Colloquium
    Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

  • Assembly or Optimized C for Lightweight Cryptography on RISC-V?: video
    CANS 2020

  • Trouble at the CSIDH: Protecting CSIDH with Dummy-Operations against Fault Injection Attacks: video
    FDTC 2020

  • Trouble at the CSIDH: Protecting CSIDH with Dummy-Operations against Fault Injection Attacks: slides
    Kolloquium zu aktuellen Themen der Kryptographie
    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science – Universität Würzburg

  • post-quantum digital signatures: slides@prezi
  • Lunch-talk
    RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

  • hash-based cryptography: slides
  • Workshop zur Kryptographie im Oberseminar Zahlentheorie
    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science – Universität Würzburg

  • Parallel and distributed computing in the fields of number theory
    Vortrag – 64. Theorietag – Workshop über Algorithmen und Komplexität - TU Darmstadt , 05. Oktober 2012

  • Verteiltes Rechnen für zahlentheoretische AnwendungenVortrag
    Arithmetik An der A7-Workshop Wiesbaden, 21. Januar 2011

academic services

  • Editorial board of the TCHES 2025 – IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
  • Reviewer for Crypto 2024 – 44th Annual International Cryptology Conference
  • Editorial board of the TCHES 2024 – IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
  • Program committee for ICDCS 2024 – 44th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
  • Reviewer for ACNS 2024 – The 22nd International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security
  • Reviewer for TCHES 2023 – Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
  • Program committee for Latincrypt 2023 – 8th International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America
  • Program committee for ICDCS 2023 – 43rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
  • Artifact review committee at TCHES 2023 – IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
  • Reviewer for CANS 2020 – 19th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security
  • Reviewer for TCHES 2021 – Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
  • Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
  • Reviewer for IEEE Access
  • Reviewer for ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems

older publications (not related to cryptography)

  • Automatic Midsurface Generation as a Basis for Technical Simulation
    Backes A.; Glockner, C.; Schwanecke, U.; Wenzel, M.; Heil, U.; Campos, F.ATZ, 2-2014, Springer, [pdf]
  • Vom Kühlergrill zum Fußgängerschutz – Modellierung komplexer 3D-CAD-Bauteile [pdf]
    Glockner, Christian; Wenzel, Manuela; Schwanecke, Ulrich; Heil, Ulrich; Campos, Fabio
    HANNOVER MESSE 2013, Hannover, 8. – 12. April
  • Time Tube – Assist Scientists to Enhance Laboratory Scheduling
    Luderschmidt, Johannes; Campos, Fabio; Gutmann, Jörg; Schäfer, Reinhold; Dörner, Ralf - G.I.T Laboratory Journal, 7-8/2008, S.12-13, GIT Verlag, Darmstadt, 2008

  • TimeTube: Introducing Haptics in a 3D Visualization Technique for Grasping Time-Related Data in a Human Computer Problem Solver
    Jörg Gutmann, Fabio Campos, Johannes Luderschmidt, Ralf Dörner, Reinhold Schäfer - The Journal of Three Dimensional Images Vol. 22, No.2., 2008. Pages: 49-54

  • TimeTube: A Haptic 3D Visualization Technique for Assisting Laboratory Staff in Scheduling Tasks
    Luderschmidt, Johannes; Campos, Fabio; Gutmann, Jörg; Dörner, Ralf; Schäfer, Reinhold - Proceedings of LabAutomation 2008, p. 139, Palm Springs, USA, 2008
  • TimeTube: Introducing Haptics in a 3D Visualization Technique for Grasping Time-Related Data in a Human Computer Problem Solver
    Gutmann, Jörg; Campos, Fabio; Luderschmidt, Johannes; Dörner, Ralf; Schäfer, Reinhold - 10th International Conference on Human and Computers, Düsseldorf / Tokio, 2007