Summer 2024

Winter 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2022

Winter 2018/2019

    • Post-Quantum Cryptography (Master) – Winter 2018/2019

Summer 2018

    • Automatentheorie und Formale Sprachen (Bachelor) – Summer 2018

Winter 2017/2018

    • Diskrete Strukturen (Bachelor) – Winter 2017/2018

Summer 2017

    • Automatentheorie und Formale Sprachen (Bachelor) – Summer 2017

Summer 2016

    • Automatentheorie und Formale Sprachen (Bachelor) – Summer 2016



    • Bachelor thesis: Borg, L.: Evaluation des MAYO-Signaturverfahrens auf FPGAs
    • Master thesis: Schreiner, C.: Efficient Algorithms for Large Prime Characteristic Fields on Embedded devices
    • Master thesis: Wagner, A.: Hash-based digital signature schemes
    • Master thesis: Hamidi, A.: A guide for the automotive industry to master the transition to the PQC era
    • Master thesis: Müller, L.: Lightweight cryptography for an open RISC-V architecture
    • Master thesis: Knoll, T.: Verifiable delay functions in hardware
    • Master thesis: Müller, M.: Fast implementation of the CSIDH algorithm using a domain specific language